Stop Food Waste
Roughly one third of all food produced in the world for human consumption is wasted, which is equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes. That is...
Doing our part to prevent wastage.
Lets all do our part to help.
Take the Pledge
Take the pledge and celebrate with us April 27th!
Did you KNOW !?!
Annually 1.3 BILLION Ton of food gets wasted globally, which is roughly one third of the total food production! 925 MILLION PEOPLE are...
Did you know?!? 37 million slices of bread are thrown out daily. Buy smaller packs of bread or freeze the other half to prevent wastage.
7 ways to reduce food waste
1. Take a shopping list It seems like a no-brainer, but planning meals in advance is the easiest way to avoid buying items you don’t need...